Monday, October 4, 2010

Do you think FC Barcelona will forget what Ronaldinho has done for them now that they have messi???

Ronaldinho, simply a terrific player with skill unparallel to anyone else. He is my favourite player and i follow every game of his. I enjoy watching messi as i am a barca fan but cant help but feel that the other barca fans have forgotten ronnie's achievements and the fact that he turned them into a big club again.
And there have been many, way too many. When you start to make a list you soon realise that former Barcelona players are also in a same list as the greatest players ever to play the game. Johann Cruyff, Diego Maradona, Ronaldo, Hristo Stoichkov even Alfredo di Stefano spent a brief moment here before his controversial transfer to Real Madrid.
In the end I had a list of 30 players that for space sake had to be wittled down to ten. It was not easy. Argentine legend Maradona was the first to be omitted. Maradona it is fair to say hardly had the best moments of his career in Catalonia, and even though he did not leave Barcelona completely empty handed his best times will surely be remembered with the national team and Napoli respectively. Johann Neeskens was another, harder still given the fact that I am a huge admirer of the former Dutch international. No room also for the de Boer twins or Ronald Koeman. Suddenly this list is looking like I have something against the Dutch, which believe me could not be further from the truth.
The list does include three current players, a fact that I feel totally justified with given the fact that this current Barcelona team are arguably the best as a unit to play for the Spanish champions.

F.C Barcelona still misses the Magician from Brazil....
                                                             RONALDINHO (R-10)

UK Server Colocation Options and Advantages

The modern business environment is highly competitive. Success here depends on business continuity and smooth processing of all core functions. All this in turn depends on the 'automated data handling systems.' This means maintaining the uptime of the servers by carrying out a wide range of activities. For IT companies, this is a job that often comes under the umbrella of their core competencies. Non-IT firms suffer immensely on this front. For them, it makes better sense to outsource their storage and maintenance requirements to companies that can handle them professionally. This is where a service known as server colocation comes into play.

UK Server Colocation: Understanding what it means

Server colocation centres are specialist data centres where the servers owned by other organisations are hosted under the same roof. Each unit is separated from the other and is placed inside secure cabinets with advanced access and security systems and under constant CCTV surveillance. The job of the colocation administrators is to manage all the infrastructure (including power, data access and the aforementioned security services) and ensure their smooth functioning.

UK Server Colocation: Advantages

Here are the various advantages of relocating your company's servers:

• Lower Capital Cost: Colocation allows the client to buy an adequate size server and then store it at the service provider's colocation centre. This eliminates the hassles of creating special accommodation for these servers, avoiding the need to "upgrade the broom cupboard"! Servers have cooling requirements and need unrestricted power supply and investments in terms of manpower and expenditure to keep them fully functioning. These expenditures can be limited by outsourcing them to the experts.

• Operational Costs: High speed broadband is required for web servers. Compromises in this may result in the delayed transfer of information between a server and its clients – in other words your website visitors will find your site lagging and go elsewhere. Such a connection can strain the budget, as this not only requires a high capital investment to be set up, but also involves high usage bills. On the other hand, with colocated servers, billing may cover just the amount of data downloaded or uploaded.

• Maintenance Costs: The electricity bill due to heavy cooling units, constant uptime of the machines and other related systems can be very high. Colocation vendors split these bills among all their clients, thus offering their services at very low prices.

• Server Protection: At the colocation centres, the servers are protected from dangers such as fire, flood, theft and accidental shut downs. There is regular maintenance of the infrastructure systems. Software update sessions may also be carried out to make sure that the systems remain up-to-date.

• Data Security: Colocation centres can provide managed security solutions like private networks, firewalls and anti-virus solutions. These keep the data of clients secure and allow them to focus on their core competencies.

• Disaster Recovery: Another bolt-on from the colocation vendor. This service provides a wide range of strategies ranging from replacement machines to off-site backups and even real-time off-site replication, providing seamless continuity in the face of adversity. Considering a disaster recovery solution for your UK server colocation units is essential to ensure continuous service.

High Availability for a Colocation Managed Server

If the above mentioned advantages have not convinced you to shift to server colocation, then perhaps this will.

High availability is a feature that ensures continuous uptime of servers by taking on functions such as load balancing and content delivery networks. What this means is that your website and content will take less time to load and will be available even if your primary server crashes. This sort of redundancy is possible because a good provider has additional hardware as backup, and can even failover entirely to a second facility.

Choosing The Best Content Writing Services Will Grow Your Business

While the internet has been around quite a long time, content writing services are a bit newer on the scene. Originally, the internet was developed by the military in order to have a secure information exchange between commanders and their units. The internet is still the same in essence, it facilitates in information exchange. One of the only differences is who creates the content. In some cases, the site owners do, in many other cases content writing services do it for the owner at a price.

Content Writing Services and You

To some, content writing services seem like a waste of time, but for others it could be one of the best investments they make for their online presence. Content writing services are able to produce content, the main thing that most people go on the internet to find, and at the same time the professional content writing services are able to increase page rank in the search engines for their clients. If you have a website and are reading this information, then you probably already understand the important role that content writing services play in the scheme of things. You realize that content writing services can free your time of creating content to do other things to enhance your site, while the content writing services do the leg work for the information on your site. Chances are, unless you are a professional writer, content writing services will be able to provide a higher quality of content for your site than you can.

Find Quality Content Writing Services

You can probably find a company offering content writing services pretty easily. A simple Google search will provide you with a huge number of companies. Hopefully, you already realize that just because a company offers content writing services doesn't mean that they are any good at it. In the same fashion, not every touch screen phone is as good as the iPhone. Some content writing services are will waste your money and your time. Other, truly professional content writing services, can save you time and give you a great return on investment.

Cheap Priced Content Writing Services

Beware a company offering content writing services for ridiculously low costs. Chances are you will get burned if you choose one of these content writing services. Consider the following example: You choose a company offering content writing services charging $1.50 per article produced. You contract them to produce 100 articles for you. You spend a total of $150. The content is poorly researched and badly written by the so called 'professional' company offering content writing services. Due to the poor quality, you don't see an increase in traffic to your site.

Now take a truly professional company offering high quality content writing services. Yes, they charge $5-$8 per article so you decide to keep to the same budget of $150. When you receive the articles from this company, while numbering only 18-30 articles, you see a huge increase in traffic to your site. This is because they really offer high quality content writing services. Just remember, not everything is based solely on price.

I30 Headlights - Go For The Latest Options

When you start your car when it is dark you also quickly switch on the headlights. Once it gets dark headlights become a critical component of your car. Most of us would do all we can to have the best and brightest headlights for our car. Yet most of us do not evaluate the headlights in much depth. When they are working we assume they are working just fine and only when they are not working do we start to find out more and look for a means to remedy the problem.

However even if your headlights are working their performance may have slipped if your car is a few years old. And even if their performance hasn't slipped much just because of technological developments the latest aftermarket headlights will give a superior performance. Therefore if you own a popular car like the Infiniti I30 you should take the time and check out the latest I30 headlights. You will notice that headlights are research topic by themselves and there are better light sources and better reflectors now available for your car. The new light sources produce a strong and steady beam which the new reflectors throw on the road in such a manner that the visibility in key areas is enhanced.

When you have better lighting on the road you will find it is less stressful to drive at night, you will have more time to react to an emerging situation and you will be able to see further ahead down the road. Also the lighting is better where you need to be able to see better so that you do not have to leave things to chance which is what may happen if the visibility is not optimal.

You can view and choose the latest headlights conveniently by going online. You can read about the options available and compare the prices on offer. You will find that even as aftermarket headlights have got better and better they have become quite affordable as well. Headlights are easy to install and so once you get the package it will not be much time before you can start to enjoy their performance. You can see the latest I30 headlights at